Coffee, Conversations, and Connections: The HSSPA Coffee Group Tradition

Coffee, Conversations, and Connections: The HSSPA Coffee Group Tradition:
A Century-Old Tradition That Brings Together the Harvard Community. 

As part of our ongoing HSSPA Group Events and Activities, we are delighted to spotlight one of our most cherished and long-standing traditions - the HSSPA Coffee Group. Established nearly a century ago, the Coffee Group has become a cornerstone of our organization, offering a warm and inviting space for members to connect, engage, and share their experiences with one another.

The HSSPA Coffee Group owes its recent resurgence to the dedicated leadership of Sara Álvarez and Catherine Wood. Recognizing the need for a space where spouses and partners of Harvard affiliates could come together to form bonds and share their stories, Sara and Catherine took the initiative to revive this much-loved tradition. In the wake of the pandemic, the Coffee Group has gained renewed importance as a platform for fostering meaningful connections within our community.

On 17th April 2023, the Coffee Group hosted a special event at the charming Tatte Cafe near Harvard Square.

On 17th April 2023, the Coffee Group hosted a special event at the charming Tatte Cafe near Harvard Square. The gathering received an overwhelmingly warm response from our members, who enjoyed an afternoon of connection and camaraderie. Through engaging conversation starter games and ice-breakers, attendees were able to forge new friendships and deepen existing bonds, further solidifying the sense of community that the Coffee Group cultivates.

Coffee has long been regarded as a symbol of social interaction, transcending geographical and cultural boundaries to bring people together in conversation. Over a steaming cup of java, our members discuss life lessons, experiences, and best practices for exploring the Cambridge and Boston areas. The Coffee Group serves as a microcosm of Harvard's broader mission to foster intellectual curiosity, encourage critical thinking, and promote a sense of belonging among its diverse community members.

The HSSPA Coffee Group is not only a place for conversations but also an opportunity for personal growth. Through these exchanges, our members find solace in shared experiences, discover new perspectives, and learn from the wisdom of others. By facilitating these interactions, the Coffee Group embodies the essence of Harvard's vision - the pursuit of truth through dialogue and collaboration.

HSSPA Coffee Group Leaders Sara Álvarez & Catherine Wood

In closing, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Sara Álvarez and Catherine Wood for their unwavering commitment to the HSSPA Coffee Group. Their leadership has played a crucial role in preserving this time-honored tradition, allowing our community to thrive and grow. We also wish to express our appreciation to all HSSPA members who have taken part in the Coffee Group, sharing their stories, wisdom, and friendship. Together, we keep the spirit of connection and camaraderie alive within the Harvard community.


Warm regards,
Abhishek Suryawanshi
on behalf of Team HSSPA,